Prosperity and Faith

The topic of prosperity can sometimes cause controversy among believers, churches and denomination. It’s a complicated concept and there are no easy answers, yet the Bible says that God wants us to prosper. It's a well-known bible teaching even though some preachers refuse to talk about it. There are many reasons WHY we do not prosper when we think we should. I believe we should always have faith in God’s promises, and seek the blessings He proclaimed to us. Prosperity is promised to those of faith... but there are conditions to prosperity. One of the primary blocks to prosperity is the condition of our heart. Sometimes it seems that God is just not listening, but we should not lose hope or faith. Perhaps we should examine our hearts from time to time, and see if there is something lingering there that is actually blocking the blessings that God wants to send our way. Some hurt or offense that is buried deep in our psyche and deep in our heart. Believe me when I say tha...