
Showing posts from 2010

What is the Word

The study of God. It's on on-going process and I encourage everyone to become a student. There are many discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible, which to many people today wrongly call "The Word of God." I don't know when the Bible became the "Word," but when I was a child the Word was God, it was not a book. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (KJV Bible, John 1.1) Somehow, this term has gained popularity and is considered truth by countless numbers of those who claim to know God. Step by step, I will be probing into the secrets that are hidden between the lines of the scriptures and which have been buried from our conscious minds. Unfortunately, many of our churches, denominational doctrines and many of our pastors have contributed greatly to our ignorance of God. It is time to return to the way of the ancients... those who developed a relationship with God without the dubious benefit of preachers ...