
Showing posts from 2011

Authority of the Book Of Revelation

I have often been ridiculed for my non-belief in a rapture, or the book of Revelation in general. I have always urged people to study the origins of the text, so they could learn for themselves. The book of Revelation was not written by one of the disciples. I realize that is what most people are taught from the pulpit, but that doesn't make it true. The following article is an excellent read that helps explain all of what was happening during the times of the writing of John of Patmos' vision. It barely made it into the New Testament at all. There was a reason for that near omission. It was a current prophecy for its day, not current in our day. Interesting, how we judge prophets today by if and when their prophecies come true, but we do not apply such stringent rules on prophets such as John of Patmos, who lived 2,000 years ago, and whose prophecy did NOT come true, at least not in its entirety. The Book Of Revelation: Prophecy And Politics Edge master Class 2011...

God is Good

Zoroastrianism is an ancient religion but is still active today, although their membership is only about a quarter of a million people. Zoroastrianism is the oldest monotheistic religion known in recorded history. Many scholars believe that this religion was the foundation for the Judean, Christian and Islamic religions. Modern day Zoroastrianism stresses that God is not capable of doing harm. I like this description of God, and I believe it to be true. God as a judge and therefore one who doles out a sentence of eternal torment has never felt true to me, neither logically nor spiritually. When we assign these characteristics to God, we are doing the same thing that many of the early civilizations did when they attributed natural disasters to the fury of one of their deities. If this is true, then how can one say that God is love? I realize that many will attempt to explain WHY God would judge, but I don't think that one should have to explain God's actions. ...

Eisenhower's Prayer

Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address “To all the peoples of the world, I once more give expression to America’s prayerful and continuing inspiration: We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.”