
Showing posts from October, 2011

God is Good

Zoroastrianism is an ancient religion but is still active today, although their membership is only about a quarter of a million people. Zoroastrianism is the oldest monotheistic religion known in recorded history. Many scholars believe that this religion was the foundation for the Judean, Christian and Islamic religions. Modern day Zoroastrianism stresses that God is not capable of doing harm. I like this description of God, and I believe it to be true. God as a judge and therefore one who doles out a sentence of eternal torment has never felt true to me, neither logically nor spiritually. When we assign these characteristics to God, we are doing the same thing that many of the early civilizations did when they attributed natural disasters to the fury of one of their deities. If this is true, then how can one say that God is love? I realize that many will attempt to explain WHY God would judge, but I don't think that one should have to explain God's actions. ...