Synchronicity. I love the sound of that word.
I also love the meaning of the word as defined by Carl Jung.Prior to Jung's coining of the word, synchronicity was merely a coincidence, but it was much more than that. It was a coincidence that actually solved a problem or verified a thought, belief or even an opinion. It can be a confirmation as well as an answer or solution to a problem.
People of faith may prefer to call it divine intervention, but when I use the word synchronicity, I am still referring to divine intervention.
The word synchronicity simply explains (for me) the way that the universe and the angels (as God has directed) are working to solve the little details of our lives.
I experienced it last week and again today. I have some bills on automatic draft which is usually quite painless and worry free. However, our income is quite tight during summer months and so the draft which was scheduled for tomorrow was going to go over my account balance.
My daughter's check is automatically deposited, but not until after midnight. So what were the chances that her money would come in, we would go withdraw enough to cover the bill and get it deposited into my account before the draft went through? Slim to none - or so it seemed.
Around 11pm, just as she was going to bed, I asked her to check her bank balance. I don't know why I asked her to do this. It just came out of my mouth without my thinking about it. (Synchronicity beginning.) Did I really think the money would magically appear out of thin air?
I guess I did. I had faith that our problem would be solved.
And it was.
Her paycheck was deposited early and was already in the account. Hallelujah!
So we jumped into the car and headed first to her bank and then to mine.
Problem solved.
Isn't that a lovely word?
I thank God, the Universe and the Angels for intervening on my behalf.
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